Related article: easy winner, but Pistache had all
the pace, and Morris easily won
his 335 sovs.
Before leaving Liverpool let
me compliment the management
on the erection of a capacious
stand near Xylocaine Cream Valentine's Brook,
whence a Xylocaine Ointment splendid view of the
race can be had. I wish I could
compliment the Lancashire and
Yorkshire Railway on their ar-
rangements at Aintree. Beyond
the Xylocaine Spray classification of iirst and
second class passengers in separ-
ate pens there are no arrange-
ments, and when, after long
waiting, a train arrives, there is a
free fight for the seats, and one is
fortunate if not more than a
dozen people crowd into a first-
class compartment. I understand
that the manager of this particular
traffic is perfectly satisfied with
the existing state of things, to
which I can but reply with the
old adage, ** there are none so
blind as those who will not see."
If that particular manager were
to travel up and down in his own
trains a few times as an ordinary
passenger he might be less satis-
fied. The situation would be
further improved upon if he took
a couple 01 ladies with him. He
would then spend most of his
lime on the Aintree platform.
Northampton. — Northampton
survives as a link with the past, and
one that we would be sorry to see
severed, badly as the racing there
compares with that to be had on
other courses. As the course can-
not be altered, one must even take
things as they come,and there is no
gainsaying that large numbers of
all classes are very glad to do this
each year. The occasion is made
high holiday in the town, and in
the county stand there is a brave
assemblage of " quality." The
class of racing does not improve,
it is true, which, I suppose, must
be taken to mean that owners
prefer straighter courses. The
chief races are the Earl Spencer's
Plate of five furlongs, and the
Northamptonshire Stakes of a
mile and 1, 080 yards. The Can-
nons made sure of the sprint race
with Deep Sea, whilst Neish un-
expectedly won the Stakes, which
he scarcely would have done had
South Australian, who was beaten
a 'head only, got away on eqnal
terms, instead of losing some
lengths at the start. A curious
resuscitation was seen in the case
of Rodomont, who won the Stakes
in 1894, and after being subjected
to various indignities, including
the pulling of a cab, was put into
training again, and appeared in a
Selling Race. The period of
training however, had been too
brief to enable him to stand any
chance even in this class of race.
Alexandra Park. — This meet-
ing is one to be cited because of
the wonderful results arrived at
by the lessees, Pratt and Co., in
the way of purification. Left to
itself, this meeting must have
rapidly gone the Xylocaine Viscous way of Kings-
bury, West Drayton, et hoc gaas.
It certainly was not a place to
take one's women folk to ; but in
a trice all is changed, and we
have a well - ordered mectiug
within the clutches of London
bricks and mortar that would be
at the mercy of the thieving
brigade, but for the vigilance that
is exercised. The fact that
Easter Monday was but two days
off has no effect upon the atteo(3-
ance, and Xylocaine 2 Jelly the rows upon rows of
cabs that are seen in waiting
whilst racing is in progress is
only to be equalled by the array
of vehicles to be Buy Xylocaine seen on a Sunday
at one of Xylocaine Spray 10 the Paris meetings.
The new racing regulations were
thought likely to press hard upoo
Alexandra Park, but distances of
a mile and a quarter are obtained
with the Xylocaine Injection aid of one turn only.
For longer distances a circuit of
the circular course has to be made,
and Xylocaine 2 Gel it must be confessed that it Xylocaine Gel 2 is
a rather small circle for horse-
racing. Xylocaine Jelly Ten years since no one
could have expected to live Viscous Xylocaine to see
a stake of 1,000 sovs. run for on
this course, but the thing is, and
the London Cup is its name.
That it was won by Hawfinch
was a matter for some congratu-
lation, for Mr. Bottom ley has had
none the best of luck with his by
no means ill-considered purchases
of blood stock. The City Selling
Handicap of 500 sovs., an inven-
tion Xylocaine Lidocaine of Pratt and Co.» enabled
Villager lo give strength to the
adage of horses for courses, for he
seems to be able to win nowhere Xylocaine 10 Spray
Hanohester Steepleohases and
Hurdle Raoes. — Of the multitude
of Eastertide races, those held at
Manchester were the most inter-
esting, and chief amongst them
was the Lancashire Handicap
Steeplechase of 3J miles. The
fact that Manifesto (i2st. I2lb.)
and Gentle Ida (i2st. 51b.) wer6
meeting was sufficient to make
the race a very important one; 1 Xylocaine
but besides these, other competi-
tors in the Grand National —
Lotus Lily, Pistache, Sheriff
Hutton, and Mum — were running.
The result was not too satisfactory,
for Manifesto was brought down
through the falling of his stable
companion, Glen RoyaJ, who was
put in the race to assist him, and
the question whether he could
give Gentle Ida 7lbs. was as far
off decision as ever. Gentle Ida
stood up this time, and if poetical
justice had been meted out, should Xylocaine 2
have won. She all but did so, Xylocaine Gel
Breemount's Pride, to whom she
vras giving a trifle of 33lbs., beating
her by three-quarters 2 Xylocaine of a length.
Breemount's Pride had been
leased by Mr. Edwardes from his
Irish owner, on the strength of
her Lidocaine Xylocaine early form in Ireland. She
vfent very much to the bad, how-
ever, in this country, and turned
roarer. The remedy that was
soufi^ht for this was tracheotomy,
performed a few weeks before the
race, and the operation enabled
the mare to win the race. Of
course the party were Xylocaine 5 •* not on,"
so the race was run for the benefit
of the bookmakers, and Gentle
Ida was just prevented from
winning the race for the second
time, the first win having been in
1895. For this result we think
most people were sorry. The
race gave rise to some newspaper
talk of a match between Mani-
festo and Gentle Ida, which Mr.
Bulteel seemed anxious to bring
about, but in view of the important